Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3 -- A Gaming Revolution -

Assassin's Creed 3

Assassin's Creed 3 is the final chapter in the story of Desmond Miles, the once-reluctant assassin, who with the help of his ancestors and the animus may be the key to saving the world. Did I mention this game takes place during the American Revolution? It's a lot to take in but if Assassin's Creed 3 delivers, it will be the ultimate conclusion to a thrilling story.

If you're worried, let Morgan Webb ease you off that ledge before you jump into a pile of hay. This game delivers and then some. Find out why in our Assassin's Creed 3 Review.

"This game has a ridiculous amount of content. There are whole portions of the game and major mechanics that I haven?t even mentioned here. There are endless collectables that you actually want to collect, like peg leg trinkets that open up pirate-style searches for hidden treasure. There are hidden forts that need to be liberated, chests that need to be looted, and citizens that need to be saved. There are missions to liberate zones in both New York and Boston that eventually let you recruit new assassins to your cause. You then send these assassins on missions of their own, or just use one of their many modes, such as ambush, bodyguard, or marksman, to make your own life easier. The naval and land based missions are all replayable with additional objectives for full synchronization. There are multiple groups that each offer side challenges, such as a hunt for Bigfoot. If you want to unlock fast travel locations, you?re going to need to explore the extensive underground tunnels. Just when you think you?ve done everything, you find more fully voiced missions, more things to collect, and more bad guys to kill."

For all the reasons you need to check out AC3, read our full Assassin's Creed 3 Review.


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Designing Your New Home | High Technology Home Improvement

Posted on October 31st, 2012

Are you planning to build a new home? If so, there are some things you can do. The instant way to design a home is by using the service of a professional architect. That way, you can get a beautiful home design without working hard. However, it will require a lot of money. You can design it yourself to save money. Today, you can find a variety of software to design a home. The software is user-friendly as well. You will not have trouble to use the software. In addition, you can add some additional features to your home design.

If gardening is your hobby, you can create a mini garden in your backyard. You can also install a pool if you have wide space there. You can make rooms that are tailored to the number of your family member. Flooring is one of the important components of your home. That is why you also need to choose the right type of flooring. If you do not want to be bothered with complicated maintenance, you can use laminate flooring. This type of flooring is very easy to clean. Many people choose laminate flooring for this reason. Get more floor covering choices and value here.

Posted in Home and Family, Home Improvement | Tagged as: Beautiful Home, Choices, Design Software, Family Member, Gardening, Laminate Flooring, Mini Garden, Money, Pool, Professional Architect


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Highlights of Wordpress Blogging Platform - Renewable Energy ...

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web criteria, and usability, and it can be utilized to develop simple blog sites and complex internet site. Plus, there are lots of free WordPress design templates readily available on the web, so you do not need to be an internet designer or developer to develop a lovely and practical internet site.? WordPress hosting is both free and priceless at the exact same time.

WordPress is exceptionally intuitive, so it?s a great content management system (CMS) for novices.? WordPress first got its start as a blogging platform, and lots of people still wrongly believe it can not be utilized as a CMS. Nevertheless, WordPress has actually grown so much over the previous couple of years, that lots of individuals are utilizing it to develop simple blog sites, expert internet sites, and even on-line stores!

If you do not have a great deal of technical expertise, then we definitely recommend using WordPress for your website or blog site. There are lots of free and premium plugins readily available for WordPress, so you can customise your site to meet your needs. Nevertheless, you may wish to beware about making a great deal of alterations to WordPress, as these alterations may cause your site to break when you upgrade to the current version (and you should always keep your installment up to date, because it helps prevent your site from being hacked).

In reality, a great deal of developers object to using WordPress for this exact reason: they make lots of cool alterations to a WordPress site, then they upgrade to the current version, and typically times the site breaks or their modifications fade away. If you?re a beginner, then we do not recommend using a great deal of plugins to modify your WordPress site till you?ve obtained more technical expertise. WordPress has a huge and active society of developers and individuals to assist you out, so we definitely recommend looking at their formal website and forums when you?re having problem or you simply wish to find out even more about this CMS.

Compared with other content management systems like Drupal and Joomla, we think WordPress has the widest variety of appealing free and premium themes. You can locate some great themes for virtually every sort of blog site or website you can imagine, and we actually recommend using the themes readily available on ThemeForest.

In addition to blog sites and internet sites, you can also use WordPress to develop an online store thanks to numerous ecommerce WordPress plugins. The beauty of WordPress is in its simpleness, and we do not think it is complex enough for running a huge online store, nor should it be.

WordPress is a very intuitive piece of software, making it fast and simple to find out, and there are some companies that specialise in WordPress hosting. WordPress calls for at least one database, so be sure to take this into consideration when you choose a hosting plan for your website or blog site. WordPress hosting is fairly simple to put in, and it?s made even easier by auto-installers like Softaculous and Installatron. A number of hosting companies provide Installatron or Softaculous, 2 applications which will allow to you put in WordPress and other scripts rapidly and quickly.

Sadly, due to its appeal, WordPress is typically targeted by hackers, so it?s unbelievably crucial for individuals to keep the application and plugins up-to-date. In addition to running the current version of WordPress and numerous plugins, individuals must choose strong usernames and passwords to assist keep their sites secure.

You may desire to be mindful about making a lot of alterations to WordPress, as these alterations may cause your site to break when you upgrade to the newest version (and you should always keep your installment up to date, because it helps prevent your site from being hacked).

A lot of developers object to using WordPress for this exact reason: they make lots of cool alterations to a WordPress site, then they upgrade to the newest version, and typically times the site breaks or their modifications fade away. In addition to blog sites and internet sites, you can also use WordPress to develop an online store thanks to numerous ecommerce WordPress plugins. WordPress is a very intuitive piece of software, making it fast and simple to find out, and there are some companies that specialise in Hosting WordPress.


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The Ultimate Guide to Building a Recurring Revenue Business From ...

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Hack the System originally started to document my plans to create passive income?income that I would automatically, anywhere in the world, that would fund my travels.

In 2009, I built my first passive business that funded my travels through India and Europe. It took several months to build.

I remember the first time I received an AdSense check that paid for my entire monthly expense. I remember feeling something I hadn?t felt before.


For the first time, I wouldn?t have to spend my month chasing a buck, just trying to cover rent. I could focus on the things I really loved doing?such as founding an NGO to teach village children to use a computer.

With that in mind, I?m proud to introduce this guest post by Michael Alexis, who is writing on behalf of Mixergy?one of the best resources online for entrepreneurial advice and stories. Mixergy is an amazing collection of interviews and lessons with the best entrepreneurs in the world.

This post is chock full of the meaty details you need to know to build an online business. I was taking notes as I read this post?it has links and information that I wish I had known before I started my business.

Are you interested in building an online business? Make sure you sign up for the Hack the System Business Bootcamp, where you?ll learn the secrets to building a freedom business.

Michael, take it away.


This is a guide on how to build an online audience, sell them the exact product they want and generate recurring revenue for years to come.

It?s over 7500 words and took me nearly 30 hours to write. It will take you about 20 minutes to read. If you like, you can download a PDF of the entire guide here.

The content is based on Mixergy interviews with successful entrepreneurs. These experts continue to use these strategies to earn six and seven figure incomes.

Here?s the table of contents:

  1. Grow Your Audience By Creating Fame
    1. Expert: Laura Roeder
    2. Make Your Website Perfect. Yeah, Perfect.
    3. Add Many Faces
    4. Join the Conversation
    5. Be Omnipresent [or at least as close to it as you can get on Google]
    6. Get Featured on Media
    7. Show Off Your Logos [hint: you don't have to be featured in the WSJ]
    8. Additional Resources For Creating Fame
    9. Not Interested in Creating Fame?
    10. End of Creating Fame Section
  2. Build The Exact Product Your Audience Wants With Co-Creation
    1. Expert: Clay Collins
    2. Phase One: Generate Interaction
    3. Hook Them With Your Welcome Email
    4. What To Do When Subscribers Respond To Your Welcome Email
    5. Phase Two: Co-Create a Free Product
    6. Dos and Do Nots For Co-Creating Products
    7. Use Surveys To Find Out What Your Market Wants
    8. What To Do After The Survey
    9. Delivering Your Free Product
    10. Phase Three: Co-Create the Premium Product
    11. Run a Contest to Gauge Interest And Increase Conversions
    12. Additional Resources For Co-Creating a Product
    13. End of Co-Creating Product Section
  3. Maximize Recurring Revenue Through Customer Retention
    1. Expert: Noah Fleming
    2. Get In The Mindset
    3. The Three C?s of Retention
    4. C1: Character
    5. The Framework For Bringing Character Out
    6. Two Ways To Build Character
    7. C2: Community
    8. C3: Content
    9. Write Stick Letters
    10. Build a Ladder of Ascension
    11. Build in Pain of Disconnect
    12. Follow Up With Cancellations
    13. C4: Care Your Face Off
    14. Additional Resources On Customer Retention
    15. End of Customer Retention Section
  4. Summing It All Up
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Ready? Let?s get started.

Grow Your Audience By Creating Fame

So I launched this blog. And I wrote it for a long time with virtually no traffic because I knew I had a message that needed to be heard.
? Ramit Sethi, on persistence

In this section I explain in detail a strategy for building an audience online: creating fame.

Many of the key points are from Andrew Warner?s Mixergy interview with Laura Roeder.

If you are satisfied with your existing audience, you can skip to product creation.

Expert: Laura Roeder

Laura is the creator of an online program called Creating Fame. She teaches entrepreneurs and business owners to become the number one person in their field. She?s done that herself by becoming a go-to expert for social media marketing for small businesses (and building a million dollar per year business around it).

So, Laura, how do we go about creating fame?

Make Your Website Perfect. Yeah, Perfect.

Your site is all you have in marketing. People are going by your site and your Google results.
? Laura Roeder, on the first step to creating fame

Laura says there are two types of people online, the optimizers and the wait-listers.

Optimizers obsess over the details of their site, continuously A-B test to notch up their conversions and would never let a typo go unchanged.

Wait-listers stay busy by compiling lists of things they should change on their sites.

Be an optimizer.

Making your site perfect creates trust and increases conversions. Our goal is to create a paid subscription product. If visitors have to search out your about page, spot typos in your header, click on broken links, or your CSS is out of whack in their old-school Internet Explorer ? then how are you going to create the trust for them to buy from you?

Here?s the fix. Take that list you?ve got and start working on it. Laura says the first item will probably only take five minutes, then you get in a groove to fixing more. Another way is to hire a developer/designer for an hour. An hour is long enough for a good techie to make a lot of improvements for you and should only cost about $50.

Another part of making your website perfect is building a brand that targets your market. Here?s a video interview about website branding. In it, Pamela Wilson of Big Brand System talks about the broad concepts of what matters for a brand and the specifics of how to build a good one.

Add Many Faces

People want to know who they are doing business with. Small businesses have a huge opportunity to be better than competitors just by being more real and being more personal.
? Laura Roeder, on why you should include a photo of yourself on your site

Your website should have a picture of your face on it.

You?ve heard this advice before.

However, I click through to a lot of sites from the comments. So, I?ve noticed a lot of you shy away from a personal introduction on your site.

I like to see a face to go with the words, and I like to see a name, and I like to see ?welcome, this is what my site is all about?. I?m not alone ? people build connections with people, not with websites.

And the press? If they are writing a story they need a person to latch onto. So why not make it easy for them?

WordPress users can put a photo in the sidebar by creating a text widget and writing this:

<img src="PUT THE URL TO THE IMAGE HERE" alt="" />

The URL will look something like this:

Another good place to put your picture is your site?s about page. This tip is just as important for businesses as it is for bloggers. Laura recommends taking the personalization a step further by putting up pictures of all team members. She says, ?people love it, and they feel like they have a relationship with everyone on the team?.

Here?s a fun example: TeamBuy team page

Once your website is done, you are ready for promotion outside of your domain.

Join the Conversation

He had one about Paris Hilton?s shoes, and how they were hurting her feet? he wasn?t afraid to go there.
? Laura Roeder, on how one podiatrist joined mainstream conversation

It turns out you don?t have to feel guilty about your Britney Spears gossip. No, instead you harness it as a marketing tool for your business.

Laura told the story of a podiatrist from the Houston suburbs who did just that. When Paris Hilton?s shoes hurt her feet, he wrote about that. When Britney Spears went barefoot to the bathroom, he wrote about that.

Instead of trying to start a new conversation, join an existing one so you get in the prospects head. The key is to bring people in, and then tie it into your own topic.

Instead of trying to start a new conversation, join an existing one so you get in the prospects head. Click to tweet.

Another benefit of talking about current events is being quoted. When something is going on, people in the media are looking for quotes, and your writing about it means they can reference your work.

Be Omnipresent [or at least as close to it as you can get on Google]

Start looking through Mixergy and a lot of these startups have like, a way to post your video, or a way to post your slides, or a way to post your documents. If you do 10 of those sites? all of that stuff comes up when people search for you, and it looks very impressive.
? Laura Roeder, on dominating Google search results

Alright, so your domain is, and you are ranking for those keywords ? sweet. Now, what really happens when someone searches for your terms is that your site comes up with about nine other results. These include videos, images and other media.

You can dominate that first page of results (and push your competitors out) by becoming omnipresent.

Join video sites like YouTube or Blip and title your videos with your keywords. Join sites that allow you to make slideshows. Join picture sites. Join any site that lets you express your message through media ? and then upload relevant content.

When you search for Creating Fame on Google, the results include Laura?s site, YouTube videos she produced and interviews on other websites.

Using this strategy you will take more of the top spots. And, as Laura points out in the interview: who would you choose to do business with? The person who is published all over the web, or the person who just runs their own site?

So, become omnipresent. It increases your credibility and conversions.

Get Featured on Media

Honestly, getting interviewed anywhere is better than getting featured nowhere. Even if just because of the Google factor.
? Laura Roeder, on going out and getting interviewed

Do you know the number one tactic for getting interviewed?

Pitch yourself.

Laura was interviewed on Mixergy (a top 10,000 Alexa site) because she pitched her story. It?s easy. Just send the interviewer a quick email saying ?Hey, I love your show. I think your audience would be interested in this story/tip I have to share?.

The key is to align your site with the producer?s work and introduce how you can offer value to their audience.

Laura got onto FOX News by hiring a publicist, but she recommends doing the legwork yourself. Find 10 places: interview shows, podcasts, blogtalk radio, iTunes podcasts and pitch them your story.

If possible, find sources that your own market is tuned into, but Laura says it is even okay to do an interview no-one watches. Remember becoming omnipresent? Even an unwatched interview will show up on Google.

Another example is when Laura had a panel at South By Southwest. She remembers people kept coming up to her and saying, ?wow, it?s my dream to be on a panel here?. You know what Laura asked them? Did you submit a proposal? You know what they hadn?t done?

So put your fear of becoming an expert aside and pitch a story.

Show Off Your Logos [hint: you don't have to be featured in the WSJ]

People have an instant recognition thing where we see logos and we go, ?oh, logos!??
? Laura Roeder, on including logos on your site

Including logos on your site builds credibility via association, and you don?t have to wait for super-fame to get started. Laura says just the presence of logos is enough.

So, you can use logos from local press or websites that you?ve been featured on. If nobody is writing or linking to you yet, then seek out the opportunities. If you shied away from pitching stories in the Get Featured On Media section, then guest post on other blogs and include their logos on your site.

Additional Resources For Creating Fame

Not Interested in Creating Fame?

By interviewing our world?s top bloggers, I?ve learned there are countless ways to build a following online.

Ramit Sethi?s I Will Teach You To Be Rich was built on persistence, strategic guest posts, and major media coverage.

Neil Patel builds relationships by helping everybody. More at ProBlogger.

Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing wrote 80+ quality guest posts in less than a year.

David Cain of Raptitude writes viral content, like this list post which has earned over a million views.

Lori Deschene tweeted one inspirational quote a day and built a following of 40,000 before launching the tiny buddha blog.

Derek Halpern saw how SEO reviews draw a crowd at a conference, so used them to draw a crowd to Social Triggers.

All of these strategies (combined with persistence) can work for you.

End of Creating Fame Section

Have you tried creating fame? What happened? Scroll down and leave a comment.

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Otherwise, let?s talk about making money.

Co-create a Product

Basically, he co-created a product with his list of clients, at least his market, they weren?t current clients yet. He sold a $50,000 commercial refrigeration unit to them. He brought in $110,000 in profits, not revenue, but profits. This was two months in advance of the product being available.
? Clay Collins, on the kind of results possible when you co-create a product

This section is about how to get your audience to tell you the exact product they want you to create and then pay you before you create it.

The real magic is if you don?t have money to fund a business, you can use this strategy to earn the revenue needed to ship your product.

An appliance dealer used this strategy to fund a commercial refrigeration unit that cost $50,000, and net him a profit of $110,000 two months before shipment.

A sleep therapist with a prospect list of 750 co-created a training program that netted $71,000 in profit.

The corresponding Mixergy interview is here.

Expert: Clay Collins

Clay is the creator of an online program called The Interactive Offer. Several thousand words and a couple videos about him here. Clay teaches entrepreneurs a step by step process of working with their audience to create the exact product they will buy.

Let?s look at how he does it.

Phase One: Generate Interaction

What most people do when they create a product is it?s nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, they hear nothing from the company. Then they go in for a kiss and the customer?s like, ?Why are you all the sudden hammering me with all this stuff??
? Clay Collins, on why you need to flirt with your prospects

Want your market to participate in product creation?

Then you need to build a relationship with them.

Clay recommends to start small and build momentum overtime.

Here?s how that might look:

  1. email subscribers receive a welcome email inviting them to reply
  2. you or your team reply to every email personally
  3. write blog posts and respond to comments
  4. tell readers your story and encourage their stories
  5. surveys

Doing audience engagement justice isn?t my intention with this guide, see Danny Iny?s Engagement From Scratch instead.

Here?s the high level overview:

You?re slowly raising the bar for interaction and getting people comfortable with and used to interacting with you and being responded to after they interact with you.

Do that and the rest will take care of itself.

Hook Them With Your Welcome Email

Your welcome email to new email subscribers is a powerful chance to engage your audience.

There are three elements: introduce yourself, set their expectations, and solicit feedback.

Introduce yourself to personify the email.

Set their expectations to reduce unsubscribes.

Solicit feedback to get that critical first interaction.

Here?s the exact welcome email Clay?s Interactive Offer subscribers receive. He welcomes you to adapt it for your own use.

Subject: WELCOME to the family (please read)


First of all, you?re in. Welcome to the family :-) .

Anyway, there are three or four websites that you could have found me on . . .

. . . but my main site is located here: Clay Collins (click this to confirm your email and check it out). That?s probably my least ugly website, and most useful one as well, so if you have a chance, click to confirm your email and to head over to the site:
Click this to check it out

Anyway, since we?ve found each other, I?ll be hooking you up with all sorts of cool stuff in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

In fact, watch your inbox because TOMORROW I?ll be sending you something amazing:


Tomorrow I?ll be sending you the ?Internet Business Toolkit.?

This thing contains every website, software, service, platform, etc. (i.e., EVERYTHING) I use to run my online businesses (I hold nothing back).

It?s a virtual encyclopedia of the tools you need to run every aspect of your online business. And, in the right hands, it?s worth at least $300.

I hope you enjoy it.

If You Can Do Just ONE Thing For Me Today

If you can do just one thing for me today, I?d REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you?d just hit reply to this message and drop a quick note to say ?hi.? If you have a moment, I?d love for you to quickly tell me where you?re from (AND . . . if you?ve got an extra 30 seconds, I?d also like to know what ideal outcome you?d like me to help bring into your life).

Anyway, since we?ve found each other, I?ll be hooking you up with all sorts of cool stuff in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

Take Care,
Clay Collins

It?s kind of a long email right?

If that?s not your style, Derek Halpern uses a simpler model over at Social Triggers.

In Clay?s email, notice the second last paragraph where he A: asks the subscriber to hit reply, and b. tells them how to reply. This encourages the type of feedback you want.

Clay says ?the most important thing is just that they hit respond. I don?t care if they only tell me where they?re from. That?s enough. I just want them to get used to doing this. It?s a very low barrier to entry. Literally hit reply, tell me where you?re from. That?s all we need to start this off?.

When you are first getting started you can handle the feedback yourself ? but make sure to reply to every single one. If it?s taking too much of your time then hire someone. It?s worth the investment.

On the other hand, if you have plenty of time then consider customizing a welcome email for every new subscriber. Here?s how Ana Hoffman customizes her welcome emails in fifteen minutes a day.

Then what do you do when they respond?

What To Do When Subscribers Respond To Your Welcome Email

Here?s a hypothetical response.

Hi, I?m Joe. I?m from North Carolina. I create software and I would really like to double the number of people who buy my product in the upcoming year.

The first step is to log the response.

A good place to keep track of the information is Google Docs since you can access them from anywhere and share them with your team as it grows.

Next, respond to Joe and find a way to connect. If you have a connection with North Carolina, mention it. Otherwise even a reference to the weather can suffice.

In response to Joe?s problem, that he wants to double sales, you might send him some helpful links to your content or that of others. Clay usually sends links to a program he produces called the Marketing Show.

Finally, if Joe has a website, visit it and leave a few comments. Clay says, ?yeah, this is an investment but it?s also something that we believe in very strongly?.

Now that you have the relationships in place, go on to co-create a free product.

Phase Two: Co-Create a Free Product

I like this quote.

People support what they create. When you do this properly, they actually feel like your product was their idea. You need to put all ego aside because that?s really what it?s about. It?s about them, and it?s about them feeling so good about their product that they buy from you.
? Clay Collins, summing up the idea of co-creation

This subsection is about how to co-create a free product. The purpose of doing so is to gather information about what your audience wants and show them the quality you produce.

But first some tips.

Dos and Do Nots For Co-Creating Products

DO NOT read this section and say ?I could just throw up a survey, ask people what they want, then sell it to them and make some income? ? that can be a dangerous business move. You can prematurely kill all interest or momentum that you would otherwise get for your product.

DO involve your audience and make them part of the story about how your product came to be. That way they will be much more emotionally involved and likely to buy.

DO NOT try and fool people into thinking you already have a product.

DO be super upfront about the fact that you are going to make a product, and that it does not exist. You?ll maximize conversions.

AND DO create a digital product ? that way you avoid costly shipping fees.

Use Surveys To Find Out What Your Market Wants

Don?t just send your subscribers a survey out of the blue.

Instead embed it in a narrative. Clay has three emails that lead up the one where he sends the survey. You want to talk about why you are doing it, and how you are in a position to do something at a higher level.

Then, you can use Survey Monkey or Google Docs to survey your audience.

Here are the three questions to ask:

  1. What free information product would you love for me to create for you?
  2. What?s your biggest fear and frustration?
  3. What?s your ideal, perfect outcome?

Collect free-form answers not drop-down, it will require qualitative analysis but provide much deeper insight.

What To Do After The Survey

A heads up about the survey responses: people will tell you what frustrates them, they will seldom tell you the solution you need to provide.

It?s your job to come up with that.

  1. This is not easy. Print out the responses and spend a week highlighting them. Clay warns that ?trends don?t usually emerge on the first read?. What you need to do is read between the lines and find one or two main frustrations then identify a need that comes with them.
  2. Also, pay special attention to the language responders use to describe their problem ? it might be different than your own. You?ll use this later in your sales copy and within the product itself.
  3. After you?ve collected the survey responses, go back and confirm what they are looking for. Say ?we think we understand what you want, but we?re not sure and we don?t want to create this unless we know this is what you want?. Then ask people to respond in the comments.
  4. The next contact with your audience is to confirm demand. Say, ?okay, we?re going to make it, but we?re only going to make it if this many people sign up on the list to receive it when it comes out, because I?m not going to spend all this time making it and then nobody wants it?.

Delivering Your Free Product

Though later on you are going to build a subscription program, start with a one-off info product like an ebook. This must be a viable product that stands on its own. That way you will build trust with your audience, and they will be grateful and share it, increasing exposure for the next product you create.

Collect all the feedback in a Google Doc and use it to inform your future product creation.

Bonus tip: only release your free product for a few days. A time limitation creates urgency and increases the perceived value of your product.

Then go and co-create the paid product.

Phase Three: Co-Create the Premium Product

And usually people are like, ?hell yeah?. People love being involved at a deeper level. People love Beta testing software. People love being one of these ground level people who saw it from the very beginning.
? Clay Collins, on the genuine excitement for your product

Now that you?ve tested the market with your free product, it?s time to sell one.

This can be either a brand new product based on the survey feedback, or the repositioning of an existing one based on the language responders used.

Then go back to your audience and tell them:

  1. there has been a tonne of interest in the free report
  2. people are asking for a lot of things that I?m not able to deliver in this free report
  3. I?m thinking about creating a premium course
  4. I have no idea how much it?s going to be
  5. I?m thinking about letting an initial group of people in at some kind of discount, but I want your feedback

Then run a contest.

Run a Contest to Gauge Interest And Increase Conversions

One pre-sale tactic Clay recommends is running a contest. Ask people to tell you why the course you are coming out with is the perfect one for them. If they win, give them a membership for free.

This contest does several things:

  • generates social proof, so people can see all the others that want to join
  • gives you language to use in your sales letter
  • creates consistency and commitment

That third one is pretty neat. Basically, if someone needs to write this type of comment, they also need to go through the logic and think about why your product is good for them. Then they are more likely to buy it.

They sold themselves.

At this point, it?s up to you to build the product your audience asked for. Our goal is to create a recurring revenue product, so keep that in mind when considering format. A popular membership system for WordPress is WishList Member.

Additional Resources For Co-Creating a Product

Eric Reis says to start with a minimum viable product then improve it. The way you know you have a minimum viable product is ?you are very uncomfortable putting your name on it and putting it out there?.

Find the inspiration to get your business started over at Passive Panda.

Here?s how Ramit Sethi develops products he sells for more than 10x the price of the competition.

And here?s Ramit?s guide on how to write a $100,000 survey.

End of Co-Creating Product Section

Have a question about how co-creation can work for your market? Let us know in the comments.

Maximize Recurring Revenue Through Customer Retention

I?m interested in talking to people who are running membership sites or people that are thinking about running membership sites. What I want to show them is that you can keep your members long enough to do things like pay off your mortgage, pay cash for cars, live a really good life and run a really great business and I was able to do that. I was able to pay off my mortgage by running one single membership site.
? Noah Fleming, on the results possible when you lock in recurring revenue

This section is the final key for profiting from your efforts. It?s about how to increase your subscriber retention so you can earn recurring revenue for months and years to come.

It?s based on premium Mixergy content that costs hundreds per year. Available here for free.

The course on recurring revenue was led by Noah Fleming.

Expert: Noah Fleming

Noah is a strategic marketing consultant specializing in client loyalty and retention strategies. He?s worked with over 500 online marketers, and built several online businesses of his own, including The Brewers Market, a business that has received extensive national coverage.

Alright Noah, let?s get to it.

Get In The Mindset

So here?s the thing, they say that most people who sign up for a membership site will stick for about three months. So for me the big thing when I got these people was there was no way I was letting them go. I became literally militant about keeping them.
? Noah Fleming, on grim determination

As with much of the ?make money online? world, subscription programs are surrounded by myths. The biggest one? That you can build a site, forget about it, and have a pile of money coming in while you drink mojitos on the beach.

I know you?ll be able to relate to what actually works: working hard and doing everything you can to serve your customers. As Noah says, ?literally caring for these people, being there for them, connecting with them, engaging with them?.

Another myth is that if you deliver a certain amount of material people will stick around. Don?t get caught in the mindset that ?if I give X amount of material every month there?s no way they are going to leave?. If you overwhelm people they will leave.

Instead focus on producing incredible quality content that your members can?t get anywhere else. While the rest of this article covers best practices and retention strategies, unique quality content is the best way to ensure your members stick around.

The point is that instead of acting re-actively, you need to be proactive about member retention. From the very first day be thinking about how you can keep people for the long term.

Now let?s look at some strategies.

The Three C?s of Retention

I believe they come for the content but they stay for the character, they come for the content but they stay for the community and they come for the content and they stay for the content and sometimes they come for the character but they end up staying for the community.
? Noah Fleming, on how your character, content and community work together

The three C?s of retention: character, community and content ARE NOT a step by step system. They are meta strategies that if implemented will make a big difference in the way you run your business and maximize retention.

So don?t get overwhelmed. This is not an all or nothing approach. Start implementing and gradually work towards your goal.

C1: Character

Everyone?s a kid that noone cares about ? that?s why you gotta keep screaming ?til they hear you out.
? Tinie Tempah, lyrics from Written In The Stars

The most important element of your business is of course you.

But it?s not your charm, talent and good looks that will determine success.

It?s your character ? your story, your values and how people can relate to you.

Character helps sell Chris Guillebeau?s Travel Hacking Cartel. Who better to show you how to save thousands traveling than someone who?s visited almost every country in the world?

Character is part of the Hack the System community. Maneesh and his obsession with unusual tests helps you relate to him, right?

And character is why if Eminem had a course on rap, every aspiring rapper would sign up.

Chris, Maneesh and the Real Slim Shady didn?t start out as strong characters. Their stories evolved over time. Yours can too.

If you followed the Creating Fame section of this article, you are likely all set. Otherwise, let?s get started.

The Framework For Bringing Character Out

Like I said, I don?t want to be creating characters. I want us to be who we really are. But we?ve got to have a story, because we need to give our customers something to connect to.
? Noah Fleming, on the importance of character

You don?t create a character, you discover it within yourself.

But we aren?t going to leave this to spirit quests and inward reflection.

Instead, there?s a framework that will get you 90% of the way there.

There are four steps to the framework:

  1. Develop your backstory ? your reason for doing what you?re doing
  2. What did you learn along the way? What are the stories, parables, lessons that helped create your story?
  3. What did you overcome?
  4. What do you stand for?
  5. Now let?s look at great examples of each.

    4 Steps to Character? Backstory, Change, Adversity, Values. Click to Tweet.

    Develop your backstory ? your reason for doing what you?re doing

    You can read one of my favourite examples of backstory at Steve Kamb?s Nerd Fitness.

    Basically when Steve didn?t make the high school basketball team, he started working out. For six years he didn?t make much progress. Then he moved to California and in just 30 days started to see significant gains. Nerd Fitness is a way for him to help people skip the six years of mistakes and get started leveling up their life.

    Another example is Robert King of lean definition, who overcame a World of Warcraft addiction and built a beach body. Now he?s on a mission of inspiring others to change their lives too.

    Rebecca Tracey over at The Uncaged Life was a nutritionist until she realized kale & quinoa won?t save the world.

    Everyone has a story.

    What did you learn along the way? What are the stories, parables, lessons that helped create your story?

    Two words: Gary Vaynerchuk

    Here?s an excerpt, and you can read his full story here.

    At 8 years old he was operating 7 lemonade stands in his neighborhood and by 10 he had moved onto selling baseball cards at local malls.

    Heard of Derek Sivers? Ever since Steve Jobs dissed him in a keynote, Derek says, ?I never again promised a customer that I could do something beyond my full control?.

    What did you overcome?

    Is this article the first time you heard of Mixergy? Many of Andrew?s viewers know that building one of the most popular interview shows online took massive failure (to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars).

    Marcus Sheridan, ?The Sales Lion?, overcame the down economy and propelled his pool company to be one of the largest of its kind in the world using inbound marketing.

    What do you stand for?

    Awhile back I found The Nate Green Experience, and I?ve never forgotten how he summarized his values.

    Be honest. Stand for something. Have integrity. Do things that scare you. Keep your mind sharp. Nourish your body. Pay it forward. Do your best work every time, no matter what that work is. Set goals. Nurture relationships. Enjoy every day. Listen. Don?t take shit from anyone. Be passionate about something. Master your emotions. Speak with purpose.

    Oh, and drink bourbon.
    ? Nate Green, on his values

    Noah says the character important for his membership program was that, ?I?m standing for these ethical, honest, internet marketers that want an environment where we can learn to do this stuff without this idea of being bullied or, any question being too beginner-ish, so to speak?.

    Once you?ve worked through the character framework, go on and let the world know.

    Two Ways To Build Character

    ?Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!?
    ? Calvin (& Hobbes) Dad, on building character

    The first way to be a character is to show an extreme version of yourself. This doesn?t mean making up characteristics or being someone you are not. Instead focus on amplifying characteristics you have.

    Jim Cramer of The Street is the perfect example, watch this YouTube video of Jim getting angry (starting at 2:10 it gets really good).

    Another part of being an extreme character is to have legends, stories and parables that people can tell about you. Encourage this by telling your own stories over and over and over.

    Here?s some examples.

    Scott Dinsmore regularly reminds Live Your Legend readers that he swam from Alcatraz to San Francisco.

    James Altucher seems to have an endless number of unbelievable stories, like the time he screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2 million.

    Lewis Howes was a super-jock until he crushed his wrist playing football. Then he went from sleeping on his sister?s couch to building a million-dollar business in just four years.

    Ramit Sethi tells the story of how he systematized scholarship applications to pay for his entire Stanford education.

    Now that you have a character people can relate to, you?ve got ? of retention covered. Next is community.

    C2: Community

    It?s a group of people that have a shared interest, we want to connect together, we want to be able to share our knowledge together and so this is an important part of intentions, having these different community aspects in your site.
    ? Noah Fleming, on the importance of community

    If you?ve read Seth Godin?s Tribes you know all about the power of community. Let?s look at some specific tactics for building one.


  • Spotlight members. Have an area of your website (preferably public) where you show off member accomplishments. This makes your members feel very special, and shows to others that your content gets results.
  • Welcome new members. Noah shared the example of WishList Insider, where at the beginning of weekly videos they welcome new members.
  • Provide a forum. Nobody wants to join an empty forum. Steve Kamb (Nerd Fitness) overcame that by inviting a small group to join the beta for 30 days and seed the forum with content.
  • Group projects. Noah separated members into groups of five to seven people and organized them in Basecamp projects. The groups were completing tasks and taking action together. For internet marketing, one person might write sales copy while another sets up site design. What is important is they are getting results and working together. Noah would also jump into the projects and offer tips to the individual groups.
  • Reward participation. Stars, badges and fancy titles. Your members will love it and participate to earn recognition.
  • Run contests. A very simple contest to increase participation might be something like, ?leave a comment here and you could win a one hour phone consultation with me?.
  • Run these tactics on a regular basis and you will be well on the way to building a community.Now let?s talk about content.

    C3: Content

    We?ve got this idea that value is more and more and more. It?s how much stuff we can give them. When really value is the quality of the content you can give them. It?s the way that your content makes people feel.
    ? Noah Fleming, on the importance of content

    Awhile back, Caleb Wojcik asked Think Traffic readers: What?s the most tired advice online?. Not surprisingly, many people are tired of hearing things like ?write great content?, or ?content is king?.

    I don?t want to waste your time regurgitating the same old stuff, so let?s talk about maximizing retention by optimizing what?s going on AROUND your epic content.

    Write Stick Letters

    Once a member has paid, the very first content they should receive (by email or when they login) is a stick letter. You can also use a stick video, or stick audio recording. The principles are the same. You are doing this to overcome buyers remorse ? the attrition that comes from people who regret a purchase right after making it.

    In the stick letter:

    1. Congratulate them for taking action
    2. Thank them for signing up
    3. Tell them why the system is going to work
    4. Set expectations for how and when content will be received
    5. Restate all the benefits that sold them in the first place
    6. Give them some first actions to do

    Bonus tip: send another stick letter just before the first billing period is over. Remind members of the value they are getting. Neil Patel once gave me the tip to include in this letter something like, ?I have some really special content coming for you in a few days, It?s going to help you do x?. This entices members to stay past the money back guarantee period.

    A few more details on the stick letter.

    For taking action, you can ask members to do things like upload a profile picture and introduce themselves. This has the added bonus of creating commitment of consistency. Since the member took the time to introduce themselves, they are now a little more committed to staying.

    Build a Ladder of Ascension

    A ladder of ascension is different membership levels: bronze, silver, gold, whatever. Each with access to different material.

    Bronze might be written content only.

    Silver might include recorded video interviews.

    Gold might include live interactive webinars.

    Noah says, ?ladders of ascension are important to give people somewhere to go because if there?s only one spot for them there?s nowhere for them to go. They?ll stay put or it?s out the door?.

    Build in Pain of Disconnect

    If you?ve seen any of the SAW movies, you know that a common element is the killer makes it very painful for participants to leave.

    You want to give your members reasons not to leave too.

    A web host locks in customers by making it easier to just keep paying $15 per month then transferring all your websites somewhere else.

    An online photo album doesn?t usually have a way to mass download all your photos.

    Weight loss sites use tools like diet and fitness trackers to keep members from leaving.

    An analytics package is hard to leave because all of your old data is in there.

    A loyalty card program has the contact information for all your members and there is no way to export it.

    How can you build pain of disconnect into your business?

    Follow Up With Cancellations

    There are many reasons people don?t renew their subscription. Perhaps their credit card expired. Or maybe they just forgot. Or your renewal emails got buried in their inbox.

    So follow up.

    When a member doesn?t renew their membership, send them a short email saying: ?Hey, I noticed your membership was cancelled today. I just wanted to see if this was an error, or it was intentional, why??. Then give them a link where they can go and restart their membership.

    C4: Care Your Face Off

    ?If you care your face off and work real hard to show them that, they?re going to stick around.?
    ? Noah Fleming, on the importance of caring your face off

    Additional Resources On Customer Retention

    Here?s a Social Triggers article about increasing customer loyalty online.

    Chris Brogan on the difference between audience and community.

    Noah?s blog covers customer retention and other useful topics.

    End of Customer Retention Section

    Was there anything in this section that surprised you? Let us know in the comments.

    Summing It All Up

    Wow. 7500+ words later you are probably a little tired, right?

    Writing all those words was pretty tiring too :- )

    Here?s what will make it all worth it.

    Right now. This minute. Take action on exactly one tip from this article.

    Focus for 10 minutes on getting it done.

    It will make all the difference.

    Then leave a comment sharing the most important insight you got from this article. Be specific?tell us a story, please.

    We?ll respond to every one.

    Byline: Hi, I?m Michael Alexis. See my personal website for details. I created this post on behalf of Mixergy

Thanks Michael. Again, don?t forget?if you want more business related info, sign up for the Hack the System Business Bootcamp.


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Friday, October 26, 2012

AUO develops IGZO-based, 65-inch 4K TV screen, vows high resolution without the high power

AUO develops IGZObased, 65inch 4K TV screen, vows high resolution without the high powerIt's now clear that Sharp doesn't have an exclusive lock on IGZO displays, even for the big-screen TVs that are still the company's domain. AU Optronics has developed a 65-inch IGZO panel that wields the very light-friendly technology to reach 4K resolutions without the usual penalties -- as the screen doesn't need much backlighting to illuminate all those pixels, it can stay slim and keep the shocking energy bills to a minimum. The smaller size and miserly power draw also leave a real chance that any pricing will be closer to the mere mortal realm than current 84-inch behemoths. And while it's mostly up to other companies to decide if and when they use AUO's flagship display, we'll have choices of our own should the IGZO TV still be too rich for our blood: the Taiwan firm has simultaneously developed a more conventional, 55-inch 4K screen with a wide color range as well as a 50-inch, 1080p panel with an extra-skinny 0.14-inch bezel. It's at least good to know that there's already competition for technology that's just getting started.

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AUO develops IGZO-based, 65-inch 4K TV screen, vows high resolution without the high power originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 26 Oct 2012 12:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Paraplegic: I survived 3 days stranded in NM desert

Augusta Liddic / The Daily Times via AP

Ricky Gilmore shows a reporter the pair of jeans he was wearing when he dragged himself down a road near Tocito, N.M., last week.

By NBC News and wire reports

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- A paraplegic man, who says he was stranded in the New Mexico desert without his wheelchair, dragged himself about four miles down a dirt road over three days before a motorist stopped to help him.

Tattered and dirty, Ricky Gilmore's blue jeans tell part of the story. His body tells the rest -- the skin on his left leg and buttocks is shredded, his wrist is sprained and his kidneys are in bad shape from going without food and water.

"Ah man, I'm just a big mess. I ache and I'm just in the first stages of healing," he told The Associated Press on Tuesday from his hospital bed at the Northern Navajo Medical Center in Shiprock, N.M.

Gilmore, 49, is being treated for acute kidney failure from dehydration, a sprained wrist and a blood infection. He spent two days in intensive care and it could be at least another week before he can go home.

The Farmington Daily Times first reported Gilmore's story. The newspaper reported that Gilmore filed a report with the Shiprock Police Department. No officials at the department were immediately available to confirm details of the report.

Found on side of the road
Gilmore was found along a seldom traveled road on the Navajo Nation about 10 miles from his home in Newcomb, which is on the eastern side of the reservation.

Gilmore said he was dropped in the desert by a couple in a white truck who he met while he was hitchhiking on Oct. 16. He had invited them to his home for steaks and they later went for what Gilmore thought was going to be a joyride.

When he declined to share his alcohol with them, Gilmore said the man grabbed him by his feet and threw him out of the truck while parked along the desolate road.

?I did not want to fight back,? he told the Daily Times. ?If I did fight back all hell would come loose. ... I know gangsters like that, they just that start clubbing away."

It was early evening and Gilmore had nothing -- no wheelchair, no food, no water, no coat -- to help him endure the flat desert scrubland.

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He said he spent the first night under a bush. But with the sunrise, survival mode kicked in.

Gilmore said he attempted to flag down at least two passing cars as he dragged himself along the road, but they only honked and kept going.

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Body temperature plummets
After spending a second night at the side of the road, Gilmore said he woke up sore and thirsty and did not want to move, but continued onward anyway.

On the third afternoon, a man in a blue pickup truck stopped and called for help. Gilmore said doctors told him his body temperature was 94 when he was found. Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees.

He told the AP that his plan for when he gets released from the hospital was simple: "Go home and pray, take inventory and just get a good night sleep in my own bed and heal."

Read more on this story on NBC's Albuquerque affiliate

Gilmore told the Daily Times that he had been?hitchhiking?for 19 years, ever since he lost the use of his legs in a motorcycle accident on his 30th birthday.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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SPORTS: Colts to fix road woes: Indy has been blown out twice in away games

INDIANAPOLIS ? Winning at home hasn?t been an issue for the Indianapolis Colts. Doing it on the road has been.

They haven?t done it yet.

To stay in the postseason picture, the Colts (3-3) know they?re going to have to. Sooner rather than later.

Their next opportunity is Sunday at AFC South rival Tennessee (3-4), where they look to snap a two-game road skid and, more importantly, improve their footing in the playoff race.

?I think you have to be a little bit more cutthroat,? rookie quarterback Andrew Luck said of the travel mindset. ?You realize it?s a business trip, don?t get caught up in anything outside of that.

?Realize it?s still a football field. The end zones are 100 yards in between. And don?t stray from the game plan.?

So far, the Colts have been unable to execute a game plan on the road. In two tries, the results were abysmal.

Though competitive for much of the first half in the season-opener at Chicago, the Colts lost 41-21.

Two weeks ago, they were never in contention at New York, where they were routed 35-9 by the Jets.

Both times, the Colts were out of sync on offense and overmatched on defense. Turning the ball over, committing penalties and surrendering big plays shaped both outcomes.

Although the Colts are 3-1 at Lucas Oil Stadium, where they have played much sharper, they understand the playoffs will likely be an unreachable destination until, or unless, they figure out how to win on the road.

Of their remaining 10 games, six are away from home.

This story appears in the print edition of The Republic. Subscribers can read the entire story online by signing in here or in our e-Edition by clicking here.


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Facebook shares post biggest single-day gain

(AP) ? Facebook's stock is seeing its biggest single-day gain since it began trading in May ? a sign that the social media company's complicated relationship with Wall Street has finally hit a bright spot.

It's been a rough five months, and it's too early to tell whether investors' optimism is here to stay. But on Wednesday they latched on to clear signs of growth in the company's third-quarter earnings report. Several analysts upgraded the stock.

Besides posting quarterly results that inched past Wall Street's expectations, Facebook also gave details for the first time on how much money it made from mobile ads. This has been a concern since before its initial public offering. Although the majority of 1 billion people who use Facebook each month now access it using a mobile device, the 8-year-old company was created in the age of desktop computers, for Web pages. Facebook now calls itself a "mobile-first" company, but it only started showing mobile ads earlier this year.

On Tuesday, Facebook said that nearly $153 million of its $1.26 billion revenue came from mobile advertisements. The rate of advertising revenue growth also accelerated since the second quarter.

Shares of based Facebook Inc., based in Menlo Park, Calif., rose $4.34, or 22.3 percent, to $23.84 on Wednesday. It's by far the stock's biggest one-day gain since Facebook went public on May 18. The stock is still down 37 percent from its $38 initial public offering price.

In his upgrade of Facebook, Citi Investment Research analyst Mark Mahaney said that for the first time since the IPO, investors see a reasonably priced stock combined with accelerating growth at the company. He raised his rating to "Buy" from "Neutral" and increased his target price to $35 from $30.

The analyst noted that advertising revenue grew at a faster pace at Facebook at a time when rival Google Inc. saw a slowdown. Google surprised investors last week with weaker-than-expected earnings report that showed its ad revenue growing at the slowest pace in three years.

Tuesday's strong report doesn't mean that Facebook is out of the woods. The company has looming expiration dates for lock-up periods that have prevented most employees from selling their shares. If shares flood the market as the lock-ups expire later this month, on Nov. 14 and on Dec. 14, Facebook's stock price could decline once again.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Did Iran Hack The World's Biggest Oil Company?


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Britain's bookmakers see Obama returning to White House

LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will be elected for a second term next month if Britain's bookmakers are to be believed.

The polls have Obama effectively tied with rival Mitt Romney in the two-horse race for the White House but the odds show gamblers putting their money on the incumbent.

British bookmakers offer political betting as a niche sideline to more lucrative wagers on sports like horse racing and soccer. They take bets from around the globe - although not from the United States where such gambling is prohibited.

"It's really exciting betting. The markets and the pollsters have a little competion on who is most accurate," Richard Glynn, chief executive of British bookmaker Ladbrokes , told Reuters.

Two weeks before the November 6 election, Obama was 2/5 favorite with Ladbrokes, meaning a punter would have to gamble 5 pounds ($17.6) to win 2 pounds. Romney would offer a better return at odds of 15/8, allowing gamblers to win almost double what they wager.

Online gambling exchange Betfair, which cuts out the middleman by matching bets directly between gamblers, gives Obama a 66 percent chance of victory, to 34 percent for his Republican challenger.

Betfair claims that its exchage can provide a more reliable guide to the outcome of elections than some polls.

It cites the notorious example of 2004 when exit polls pointed to a win for Democrat John Kerry but its exchange indicated the correct result, a second term for George W. Bush.

"People betting their money make a much more hard-headed decision," said Betfair spokesman James Midmer.

"With polls, people sometimes say who they want to win."

Britain's largest bookmaker William Hill said it expected over one million pounds ($1.6 million) to be staked with it on the U.S. election - the highest it has recorded for the vote.

Putting that figure in perspective, the bookmaker says gamblers will bet more on the English Premier League soccer clash between top two Chelsea and Manchester United this Sunday.

Political betting caters for gamblers left cold by sporting action, says William Hill spokesman Graham Sharpe.

"It gets us to people that we otherwise couldn't reach," said Sharpe. "People tend to have one main passion that they will bet on because they have enough knowledge," he added.

William Hill is also taking bets on two more senior roles up for grabs closer to home - the next Bank of England governor and the new Archbishop of Canterbury.

(Editing by Catherine Evans)


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Suggestions, Techniques, And Assistance With Redec | Travel

When you earn some little improvements, you may nonetheless produce a large impact on your home?s value. You may even boost the reselling value by performing upgrades. Keep reading to discover some terrific home remodeling guidance.

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You are able to obtain a little extra room on conclusion desks and nightstands by converting out your dinner table lighting fixtures for floor lighting fixtures. Ground versions are excellent due to the fact they are often effortlessly moved to various locations. Select a light fixture that is certainly different and you enjoy.

Buy write excluders or sealant strips to stop air flow from receiving out. Draft excluders go underneath the doors to avoid hot air from leaving while keeping cool atmosphere from coming into. Sealant strips which are equipped close to door structures will work in the same manner. You can easily find these matters in most equipment retailers.

Folks often think that installing underfloor, vibrant heating or even a vacuuming system that may be core increases their home?s benefit. However they overlook to concentrate on the most obvious repairs that any buyer might notice, like piece of art the shutters or re-dangling the damaged closet entrance. Potential buyers will notice almost everything and might consider the property a fixer-higher. Initial perception are important when it comes to your property.

When you close off any opportunities and holes at your residence, you will be able to hold vermin out and also heat and funky in. Simply caulk up any breaks which you get. As soon as the caulk is free of moisture, bugs will have difficulty getting into and oxygen can have issues receiving out.

Make sure all of your areas have a nicely identified objective when offering your house. Loved ones spaces, dens and then any other spaces must have all of the proper home furniture. Purchasers can then snapshot themselves lifestyle in the home more easily. This can make marketing a home much easier.

It is quite helpful to generate a comprehensive checklist before you start any undertaking. When you have done your checklist, present it to good friends and relationships who definitely have DIY home remodeling expertise to ensure that you haven?t kept anything at all out. Remember to take into account unanticipated setbacks when organizing your project.

Usually provide settlement to your professional using a check or even your charge card, to be capable to placed a stop towards the purchase if you want to. This can help make certain you won?t get ripped off out of any cash. Credit cards work most effectively when disputing a purchase even when it goes by way of.

Redesigning is something that applies to every person every once in awhile. Everyone is encouraged by various variables and goals in relation to beginning any task. No matter whether it?s for appearance or extra cash, home improvement may benefit anybody.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nissan recalls new Altima in U.S. on loose steering bolts

(Reuters) - Nissan Motor Co is recalling 13,919 of its top-selling Altima sedans in the United States because bolts that may not have been tightened properly during production could fall off, increasing the risk of a crash, according to U.S. safety regulators.

The Altima sedans are from the 2012 and 2013 model years and were made at the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi, from May 10 to July 26, Nissan North America told the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

"Some of the subject vehicles may have been manufactured with four transverse link bolts and two power steering rack bolts that were not torqued to the proper specification," Nissan told regulators in a letter NHTSA showed on its website.

As a result, the bolts may shake loose during driving, the letter states, and drivers may notice a rattling noise.

Nissan said there have been crashes or injuries as a result of this issue.

Through September, 27 percent of the vehicles Nissan sold in the U.S. market were Altima sedans.

Altima sales through September were up 17 percent from last year, at 234,040.

Altima owners will be asked to bring their cars to Nissan dealerships, where the bolts will be torqued to the proper specification, NHTSA said. The cars are under warranty protection.

"Based on engineering judgment, it was determined that if a loose bolt falls out completely, the driver may experience difficulty in controlling the direction of the vehicle," Nissan told NHTSA.

Nissan said that on July 26, the last day the vehicles involved in the recall were produced with the potential problem at the Canton plant, workers noticed the issue during a routine test.

On September 21, Nissan confirmed that some of the subject vehicles were at its dealers. On October 3, it decided a safety defect existed and a recall would be conducted.

Owners will begin to be notified on October 29, Nissan told NHTSA.

(Reporting by Bernie Woodall; Editing by Gerald E. McCormick and Dan Grebler)


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Google?s Research Shows Tablets Are For Games And Email, Mostly Used On Couch & In Bed

nexus 7Google just published a new research paper that delves into the details of how tablet owners use their devices. Using diaries, in-home interviews and contextual inquiry observations, the company's researchers observed how 33 U.S. tablet users interact with their devices. Some of the results are pretty straightforward (tablets are primarily used for personal purposes and to play games and check email), while others were a bit more surprising. Just as many participants used their tablets in their beds as on their couches, for example, and a surprisingly large number of tablet owners use their devices while cooking.


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Factbox: Facts about former Senator George McGovern

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Senator George McGovern, a leading Democratic liberal whose anti-Vietnam War stance cost him the 1972 presidential race against Republican Richard Nixon, died on Sunday at the age of 90, his family said.

* McGovern, who grew up in South Dakota, volunteered for military service at age 19 and went on 35 combat missions in World War Two as pilot of a bomber named the Dakota Queen. He won the Distinguished Flying Cross for safely landing the plane on an island in the Adriatic after two of its four engines had been knocked out.

* McGovern won only 37.5 percent of the popular vote in the 1972 election, compared to incumbent president Richard Nixon's 60.7 percent. Nixon won the Electoral College vote, 520-17, in one of the most lopsided presidential elections in U.S. history.

* In that election, McGovern won the vote only in Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. Later as Nixon's presidency unraveled in the Watergate scandal, bumper stickers saying "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts" and buttons saying "Don't blame me, I voted for McGovern" began to appear.

* McGovern said he moved on from the defeat but 12 years later another defeated Democratic presidential candidate, Walter Mondale, asked him how long it took to get over losing in a landslide. "I'll let you know when I get there," McGovern replied.

* In addition to his 1972 campaign, McGovern had been a presidential candidate in 1968 after the assassination of front-runner Robert F. Kennedy but lost the Democratic nomination to Hubert Humphrey. He also had a short-lived presidential run in 1984.

* McGovern served in the U.S. Senate from 1963 to 1981, when he was defeated by a Republican in the party's 1980 sweep when Ronald Reagan won the White House. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1957 to 1961.

* Having grown up in a farming state, McGovern had a long-running interest the world food supply and fighting hunger. President John F. Kennedy chose him to head the domestic-international Food for Peace program in 1961 and in 1998 President Bill Clinton named him U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Agencies for Food and Agriculture. He and Republican Bob Dole, another former senator and unsuccessful presidential candidate, also started a program to feed children around the world. In 2001 McGovern published a book titled "The Third Freedom: Ending Hunger in Our Time."

* In October 2007 McGovern endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination but seven months later switched to Senator Barack Obama and urged Clinton to drop out of the race.

* After politics, McGovern founded a nonprofit organization to help alcoholics in the name of his daughter Teresa. She died of exposure while intoxicated in 1994 after years of addiction.

(Writing by Bill Trott; Editing by Jackie Frank)


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